
ER_WARN_I_S_SKIPPED_TABLE / Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statement とは


見慣れないエラーに遭遇したので調べてみた。 https://github.com/mysql/mysql-server/blob/8.0/sql/sql_show.cc#L718 コメントにあるように、特定のテーブルのメタデータロックが競合した場合に発生するエラーのようです。 We are in situation when we hav…

How to solve rbenv install 3.2.2 error on M2 Mac

Due to Homebew of Rosetta version, I struggled with installing ruby 3.2.2 by rbenv. Here is the error. *** Following extensions are not compiled: psych: Could not be configured. It will not be installed. Check ext/psych/mkmf.log for more d…

Initial commit by English

Finally logged in and changed my password of this account after Twitter API issue! This spring, I spent my holiday for a while in Paris and Matsumoto. Meanwhile, I migrated and added some monitorings of my former company's site from Macker…